Queen Xanxia acting as the Captain's nurse |
Xanxia's gentle persuasion to the Captain
Xanxia looking over the data of Earth, the next planet they are to plunder, with Mr. Fibuli the man who charted and made the find |
The real Queen Xanxia suspended between time dams |
Dropping all pretenses and giving orders
Queen Xanxia's true plan revealed. "Eternal LIFE" |
She said a few words and then she died rather quickly |
Xanxia's Death |
Xanxia's projection body vaporized by Kimus |
How it all played out on Lost
The name Zoe means “LIFE” If you have been paying attention that is
exactly what Queen Xanxia was in search of “Eternal LIFE”. This was no coincidence. Here are two websites on the meaning of the
name Zoe: website 1, website 2
She reveals to Jin what she is looking for |
Zoe looking over the maps with Jin who assisted in charting some of the electromagnetic pockets of energy |
Zoe's gentle persuasion to Charles Widmore |
Confirmation that she isn't a nurse |
Desmond asking if Zoe is his nurse. Again not a coincidence as we know she isn't but that is how it played out on Doctor Who: The Key To Time: The Pirate Planet. Xanxia pretending to be the Captain's nurse |
Notice the response back to Zoe after she speaks. This comes up again to prove a point |
The voice of Charles Widmore wasn't heard at all. This is a walkie-talkie and you would have heard his voice. This to me is Lost symbolizing Zoe as Queen Xanxia dropping pretenses and giving order |
Notice again the man's voice acknowledging Zoe |
She said a few words and then she died rather quickly |
I've pointed it out before but when a character on Doctor Who is killed with a gun the character they represent on Lost is killed with a knife |
What it is that Zoe is actually looking for
Zoe is looking for the source of the electromagnetic energy. Mother calls it light that is inside every man. She also says "But they always want more." The light can be equated to life and that is what Queen Xanxia wanted, "Eternal LIFE"
After reading this do you believe that
Lost was a remake? Please leave me your
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